Skillr Profile: Mika Leone


Mika Leone is a business owner and spiritual counselor helping people gain self-knowledge and clarity on the SKILLR App. She spoke with us about how she got into wellness, the metaphysical and common challenges people face when exploring spirituality and astrology. 

Mariama Hutson: We're kind of just having a conversation. I really would like to just get to know you so we can introduce you and promote you and encourage people to book with you through SKILLR. You can just start by telling me a little bit about you and a little bit about your skill.

Mika Leone: Let's see. I'll start with my wellness background. I've always been kind of metaphysical, but I didn't take classes or courses on that until later in life. But I started years ago with health and wellness stuff, because I've always been one of those ones. I didn't want to take medication. I was very careful about what I ate and then I also wanted to have herbs and all that kind of stuff in my life. I started learning that stuff because I wanted to heal myself, of course. A lot of times when you're on that journey, it's more like, "I want to learn what I can do for myself." I started with aromatherapy back in the late nineties and I was doing different things with essential oils and making skin stuff. Then I decided to go into aesthetics.

The aesthetics, which is skincare, body care and that kind of stuff. That took me into all the other health and wellness stuff so I started going for my bachelor's in natural health studies from there. And then I started incorporating, along with that, things like crystals, flower essences, you name. Anything I could get my hands on or anything that intrigued me, I was learning about. Then I got my bachelor's in natural health studies, which was supposed to lead to a naturopathic degree. Now, I got off track for a little while because I took some other certifications, like hands on stuff, because yes, I was an aesthetician, but I also wanted to be able to touch. I was living at the time in Washington state and switching over to California.

But in order for me to feel like I could do the energy work and the other healing work, I wanted something with the hands on, so I got my license in massage, as well. With everything happening, and I don't know if you know the industry that well, but a lot of times massage, that's the main thing people go for, the body work instead of the facial or the energy work. I got wrapped up in that for a while, actually. I think one of the things you were asking about before 2020. Before 2020, I had already started transitioning because I knew I wanted to do more of the hands off, more of the counseling stuff. So I had already started transitioning over to mixing my health and wellness background along with my metaphysical background.

So you're adding in the spirituality with all the health and wellness stuff. In 2020, when COVID hit, I was already working on my master's in metaphysics and working on teaching different classes. For instance, one of the classes I taught right before it hit California, mid-March down at the House of Intuition in California, was a class called racial vibration with energy healing. I started that one there and I also started teaching with the Good Medicine Confluence and they do a lot of herbal classes. I started writing for them, as well. That's how I started incorporating both. Now, I've transitioned off of a lot of the hands-on stuff, which I've been doing for at least 13, 14 plus years, probably even a little longer than that. Now, it's a lot of the energetic work and the counseling and stuff that I'll be doing with SKILLR.

Mariama Hutson: What is it that people can come to you for in SKILLR? Is it like alignment? Go ahead.

Mika Leone: There's several things. For instance, there's different ways to align. What I like to do, the card counseling, for instance. Right now, when I do card counseling, a lot of people want an answer to a specific question or just something that's going on right now in their life. That's like the base. Then you can move up to having an energetic alignment, which you start looking into things like, the vibration of my name, for instance. There's a thing that I do, life purpose group contracts that have to do with the vibration that your name carries and what that means in your life, what your purpose is. They'll find out. We run the name and then it'll show up as numbers. It's almost like a numerology system. The system was based from a guy named Frank Alper and he was in the Arizona Metaphysical Society.

He channeled this through back in like 1980. My teachers and my instructors started teaching us after him. They got it from him. They added on their experience with it. And then they turned it into a system, but they call it the Numerology of Moses. This brings your purpose in life. It helps you to realign back up or you figure out why things were happening or why things aren't happening. Those alignments, once you find out what they are, you could find out what to do to realign really quickly. You find out what is the main thing that you need to focus on to realign back with your purpose. Even if you need to do a name optimization, for instance, some people might need to optimize their name a little bit. That's one of the things that we could do, as well.

And then you could move into the energy work from what we find in that life purpose contract. It's levels. People can start off with just trying to figure out what's going on in the moment. What do I need to do right now? All the way up to, I want to just realign everything. I feel like my life has been thrown off balance for years where I just can't seem to get back on track or there's something I think I'm missing that I need to know, that kind of thing. You go from there with the healing, with the energetic stuff that you can do as well.

Mariama Hutson: The cards you're talking about are the tarot cards?

Mika Leone: There's several cards. I use to tarot. I use Astrogem Geomancy cards. I don't have them here, but I can get them and show them to you. I also use Oracle cards. So I use two divination Oracle cards, which is the Astrogem Geomancy one. I don't know if you've ever heard of Geomancy divination. It's a earth divination where they used to take and put holes in the earth and where those holes, each one of those turn into some type of a symbol. There are 16 symbols that they turn into and they mean different things. Well, Les Cross combined both the Geomancy from the ancient time that they use. Just like if you were going to a regular psychologist, this was pretty known back in easily since like the 15 or the 1600s, people were doing this.

He added, with it, crystals and he added, with it, astrology. He kind of blend them all into one. You could actually give somebody a full reading with these cards, but it depends on who I'm working with. I also have angel cards, too. So it depends on who it is and on what I think is going on with them. Some people, they've just been through a lot, their trauma, there's things that they need a little more subtle than a tarot, then I go work with the angel cards in the Oracle. So it depends on who it is and what you feel that's coming in, what that person needs at the time.

Mariama Hutson: But you think the cards is a good place to start for someone that's pretty new, doesn't really know all that it is?

Mika Leone: Yes, because I also use my psychology studies in there, as well, and I use my metaphysical studies. I'm working on my dissertation right now. My doctorate's going to be in transpersonal counseling. Basically, I incorporate it all into the readings and stuff. It's a really good place to start. They're like, "You know what? I might be interested in energetic aligning." And you can do this for your business, too. I'm sorry. I didn't mention that before. It's not only personal. Actually, you can use this for optimizing your business as well, which means your names, the people you work with, their vibrations, what jobs they would be best suited for in that business. All that goes under this with the life purpose contract, too. There's levels of it. You can do levels of just knowing about yourself, or you can do a list of people like your family members or people that you relate with a lot and see what the vibrations and what your contracts are with them.

Or you could move it into your business, if you've got a business that you like, "Hey, this is the name. Can you run this name? See how it fits. Does it match the meaning and the purpose of my business? Did the vibration goes into my name, as well, so that it aligns up with me, too, and the people that I'm going to be, if I'm going to be working?" And if you're going to have books, services, anything like that, you can align those services to make sure that they match up with what you are trying to put out there and achieve.

Mariama Hutson: Wow. I don't know much about it, but it's really a lot deeper than I even was expecting. I still feel like you're just scratching the surface with me.

Mika Leone: Yes. I was going to say, and I can always put up the video. I have a video that I did an interview with another astrologer and I did a little presentation on it and it lets you see what I'm talking about here, because when you do the personal contract, it's a star that has a triangle that faces down, a triangle that faces up. The triangle that faces down tells you your life, the things that you're going to do here, your life goals, your life talents and your karma. We also change that up for businesses because everybody don't relate to the word karma, but they can relate to, there's another word that's not coming off the top of my head that we put in there that people say, "Okay, these are the things that in this lifetime, I need to focus on and get through," same thing as your karma. These are the things that your lessons for this lifetime. Pretty much the same thing but they changed the wording just to make sure it's more generalized for businesses and things like that so it doesn't sound more religious because it's not.

It's not religious, but I guess they just didn't know any other word to put there but karma. Then the up triangle is all your spiritual aspects, the things that you want to integrate. Just like I was saying with my degrees and how I got the wellness and the psychology stuff, but I also wanted to add the metaphysical, the spiritual access, because it's all about making sure that you're combining both together. Not just your physical things that you're doing here, you also have to be connected to your actual spirit to make everything line up and do what you needed to do and work out. That upside triangle is your spiritual stuff that you want to go through here. And then in the middle, you have your soul destiny and the whole soul destiny is like, when this is lined up, your triangles are lined up and you're doing with your work, this is what happens. This is the vibration you're going to be living from. It's a lot to it, and it has that in the video. I can always link that for people to watch, too, later.

Mariama Hutson: Definitely send it to me because I'm interested.

Mika Leone: I'll be happy to.

Mariama Hutson: I'm kind of going over my head because I'm trying to picture what you're saying. I think that would really help to match it up visually.

Mika Leone: Definitely.

Mariama Hutson: Where did your passion for this come from? Have you always been interested? Did something happen and it pushed you to get more interested in it?

Mika Leone: I think I've always been a little more... Because when I was a kid I used to have like premonitions, I would know things would happen. Even when I was a kid and a child, I always had that aspect in the back of my mind or even when I was going through my twenties and stuff, it's like, I need to make sure I stay on this because that path always, I felt, right to me. Like I said before, I've gotten off track and did a lot more hands-on bodywork and not so much spiritual stuff. That has thrown me off for a while, but it's always been in the background that I always had to make sure that I reconnect back to that.

Now, when I finally stayed consistent and steady with it, that happened after I did these classes called Reiki Tummo and Open Heart Meditation. Those two things, when I was living in Los Angeles, those sort of things that kept me aligned enough to keep going on my spiritual, not break off and say, "I'm too busy for that," because life happens and you're too busy.

After I got there, then I could stay consistent with my meditations. I could stay consistent with it. That's what did it for me. I tell a lot of people that's like, "What made it click for you to keep you on that path?" It was those two things, the open heart meditations, which is supposed to help expand your heart chakra more and open it up more and more and more and the Reiki Tummo, too. It's not a symbolized Reiki. It's more of a body sensation feeling type of Reiki. It's definitely different from the Usui Reiki that you normally would hear people talk about nature, all the symbols and things like that, not the same type. That's what did it for me, personally. And then just trying to make sure that I took and I stuck to what I said I was going to do, like my courses and my classes. Then I had to make sure that I aligned with that. One of the things I remember you were mentioning is like, what would you say to others who are starting out?

Mariama Hutson: That was my next question.

Mika Leone: Because I would say the same thing, you align, make sure whatever you want to do, you are feeling it. You feel it in your body because you need that. When they say law of attraction, like a lot of people say, "Law of attraction doesn't work." And it's like, it doesn't work if you don't have enough emotional energy behind what you're trying to do. It'll make it happen a lot faster if you are aligned. If you've got too many things that keep throwing you off, just like in the past, when I had things like shuffling me here and shuffling me there, then you're right. It's harder to see the results of what you're doing. But once you have that emotion behind it and you can visualize what you see, but it can't be the visualization. It has to be that feeling and that desire of wanting it.

Along with that, I also gave myself no room to slack on getting the goals done. Like I'd make three goals a day and I would say, "Okay, what do I need to accomplish to get further along on my path on what I want to do?" I write them down in my book here and they got to get done. That's another thing. When you write those three things down, you do something, even if is just a little bit, towards those three things that day, because you also feel more accomplished. Once you start seeing things rolling because you're actually staying on that path to do it and you start seeing, "Oh, this happened, and if I didn't do those three things, it wouldn't have happened." And then you start doing a little more and you realize, "This is working."

And you just keep doing it, then you can get yourself done. But that's what I would tell everybody who's just starting off at saying, "Well, how do I get started?" Really want it enough to do your three goals a day. Even if it's two, do two if you need to, but make sure that you're consistent with it and stick to it until you start seeing the results. Like our teacher was telling us with some of the stuff with the life purpose contracts and stuff. He was like, "How do you know if it's..." He said, "Well, how long do you do it?" Well, I want to see results, but how long? He said, "Just do it until you see the results." Same thing. Just do it until you start seeing little bits and pieces of things actually happening because you did those things.

Mariama Hutson: I feel like that the three goals a day is also something that would be building on that emotional energy that you were talking about because you are starting to see results and things. It's kind of just like a snowball of it building that.

Mika Leone: Exactly. That's exactly what I'm talking about. If you give yourself enough time to allow that, because I think a lot of times we expect stuff to happen when we want it and you know how that goes, universe doesn't always work that way just because you want it now or whatever. You've got to put in the time and you got to show the universe that you want it bad enough.

Mariama Hutson: I'm taking that with me, though, three things a day. I'm going to.

Mika Leone: It really does work. I've done it for years. That's how I got through my bachelor's and my master's is that way. That's how I did it.

Mariama Hutson: Because I've been feeling kind of, obviously I have this job, but I'm also a photographer. I also create my own class.

Mika Leone: Cool.

Mariama Hutson: And I've kind of just been trying to see how to divest my energy into all things without something feeling like it's falling to the wayside. It's just a lack of clarity around my next steps with it. I feel like that could be something that could help just start moving in the direction.

Mika Leone: Exactly. And then it'll give you the next steps and your next steps will automatically show up. I don't know if you ever saw the “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” I think it was the first one or something like that. And then the steps didn't appear until they totally took the step and that's what will happen. Once you start doing that, then you'll automatically like the next step, the next step just starts showing up.

Mariama Hutson: That's true. I'm taking that. What is your favorite part about teaching your expertise to others?

Mika Leone: My favorite part. Well, I like when people get the ahas. For instance, people will be like, "Oh, that's why. Okay. That makes sense." And it really does make me happy. I feel energized after doing a class and that's when you know that you're doing something that, it's a gift to everybody because you don't feel burned out. You feel energized after doing it. The same thing with the readings, you feel like, "Wow, I've given them something that they can use." They actually are like, "Oh my God, I can put this to use right away. I can do this. I can do that." So you're actually not just telling them, "Hey, this is why you're having this. This is why this happened in your past."

But you're actually giving them things that they can utilize right away. A lot of times people think with metaphysical stuff, it's just philosophy, it's eerie theory and it's not something that you can concretely use, but no, you can concretely use these principles are definitely stuff you just implement into your daily life practice. Then they become the norm and everything just starts to flow better. That's what makes me feel good is because I know once they get what I was saying and I see that aha in them, then I know that they can do something about what they were frustrated it about or stuck with or whatever.

Mariama Hutson: What are some of the challenges that people you work with kind of come up against when they try this work?

Mika Leone: Just sticking on path, staying on point. Like how you were saying, too, like everything. It's easy to get thrown off, we know it. That's the main challenge because something comes up and people want to do the work, but then they get sidetracked. The commitment of staying on track, grounding and making sure you get outside on the earth, especially in our day of technology and there's so much of this EMFs and the energy around us. If we don't stay grounded, it's easier to get thrown off track. It's easier to don't feel like doing it or staying on point. That's what I have found. The most things I normally tell people, because a lot of people aren't grounding, that's the thing that's causing a lot of, not only just the stress and the tension, but just the illnesses and stuff too.

The not being able to sleep well, things like that, inflammation in the body, which also starts causing all kinds of other issues and stuff, too. Once people start learning, "I need to ground." That helps automatically with the focus and resetting their system because that helps with the alignment and it's bringing all that stuff back in together. When you're doing the stuff to say, "Okay, I need to figure out how to get on point with what I'm supposed to be doing here." You're literally trying to bring all your parts of yourself back together again and line them up and make sure everything is congruent. When you do that with the grounding, that's just like the foundational point, the grounding will help that to start. When you start integrating all these parts of yourself, I'm going to help you do that because you're grounded on the earth. You're solid. And we need that to manifest, too. 

We need that connection with the earth to create stuff here. A lot of us are not as connected chakra-wise for chakra-wise, as we could be. Many of us, when we're trying to create resources, connections, in the world and things like that, so all of that helps to realign everything back up.

Mariama Hutson: When you say grounding, do you mean like getting out in nature and really just being bare feet to the ground?

Mika Leone: Or hands. Yes, exactly. And everybody's like, "Whatever. I can't take my shoes off," or whatever it is, then hug a tree. Like I told people, "That's fine. That tree still has all that earth energy in it." So you want it on crystals, you can also put your crystals outside on the ground, as well, and then bring that energy back into the house. You also want that stuff around you and your space and you want your space to be where it's feeding you good energy, too. You could do it through your crystals, as well, because those guys come out of the ground. They already naturally have ground energy in it. But when you feel like for instance, they've been around your house too much and the EMF's too much and stuff, that's when you put them back outside and put them in the ground or you can put them out in the sun, but yes, that's one of the ways the feet, if you can't get it through the feet, get it through the hands.

They have grounding mats, too. You can sleep on them. You can bring them in the house and put them. I got one here under my computer, but this house that we're living in now isn't grounded so I have to make sure I get outside to do it. But the mats, you can plug the mats in. Actually, they do have rods that you can take the mats, take this long cord and stick it in the ground and then bring it back into the house. That's another way you can do it as well. But you want to make sure you're having some kind of connection with the earth on a regular basis instead of your body, and a lot of times that's what causes a lot of the stuff that people are having going on in their bodies, aches, pains, all kinds of stuff come from not being grounded.

Mariama Hutson: Because I've heard that before, because obviously, living in New York, it's just cities, buildings, street, it's kind of, you don't want to put your feet down.

Mika Leone: Right.

Mariama Hutson: Someone else had told me that, just putting your feet to the ground, that's normal. We weren't born here with shoes on.

Mika Leone: And all the soles, unless you get the natural moccasins, they have the earth-soled shoes that are specifically for grounding, like you said, if you don't have access to getting out regularly to a park or whatever, they do have the shoes with the natural soles that you can use. Those will do it, but you're right, we weren't born in shoes. Most shoes block out that energy that you would be able to get, I think that's deliberate. I don't think that's by mistake.

Mariama Hutson: Really?

Mika Leone: I think it's a deliberate thing that they're deliberately trying to keep us disconnected. You don't live your highest purpose if you're not aligned and you're not able to take in those…

I don't think it's by accident. That's what it is. We have to go out of our way to make sure that we get it in. It's not something that, if you are living in big cities. Even here, I mean, there's still a lot of concrete here in Mexico and I still have to go out and make sure we got a backyard, but I have to make sure I get out there and ground because there's still lots of concrete here, as well. That is something that I think that you should be very aware of for most people. I think you had asked me something about for Black History Month or something about what I would suggest, I would tell my mom this because she's got really bad circulation.

And I really believe that a lot of Black people and African Americans have circulation issues. I think that's another thing that could help them a lot and just circulation all over the body, things being able to move around because there's a lot of diabetes. My family alone recently, a couple of my aunts have had things amputated. I would say when I think of the health part, I think getting out more movement, more exercise, make sure the blood flow and the blood circulation, the blood isn't clogged up and thick and moving and flowing through the body is one of the main things that could probably help with a lot of health and wellness for blacks.

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